Monday, December 29, 2008

2009 Louisiana Memorial Scholarship

Louisiana Memorial Membership,

There have been no applications to date for the 2009 Louisiana Memorial

If you know a deserving licensed college student or a beginning
freshman who could benefit from $500 in financial aid, please advise
them apply. Go to for information
on requirements and how to apply.

Gary K5GLS

Thursday, December 18, 2008

a very kewel Holiday wish by VE2SB that I wish to pass on

Daniel VE2SB

to writelog
show details 7:38 PM (13 hours ago)

In the life of a ham radio operator, there is the joy of finding friends on the airwaves, the joy of laughter, the pleasure of exchanging thoughts, ideas and good old memories (QSO's).

In the life of a ham radio operator, there is also the joy of communicating secrets about our antennas, our pleasures and strategies in a contest, exchanging the dreams of owning a giant tower, a Big Gun antenna and the future projects of our shacks.

But the greatest joy in the life of a ham radio operator is the magic of making the prettiest smile appear on the faces of the people that we cherish.

Make the most of these festive times with your friends and families.

Be sure to remember that it is greatly appreciated to have a QSO with you rather than. hearing a silent key for you. Be safe when traveling from family to friends.

Merry Christmas and happy New Year 2009.
God bless you and your family all the next year.

I hope to meet you many time in contest in 2009.


Daniel VE2SB

just announced by our ARRL Section manager.....

Talbert Tipton KD5EJB of Shreveport has been appointed Assistant Section
Manager for the Louisiana Section with special duties of Handiham

We are looking forward to working with Talbert in developing a path
forward for his work.

A team of sitting ASMs evaluated the nominees and made the
recommendation for this appointment. We very much appreciate their

Please join me in congratulating Talbert.

Gary K5GLS

Friday, December 12, 2008

Most DX's know this but we all start some where...

PL-259 Connector
Want a good video on installing a Pl-259 Connector?
This is a six minute video that can be shown at a club meeting.
Installing a PL-259 on RG-213

Thursday, December 11, 2008

WriteLog Friend File

Here is a nifty little app that allows WL users to
have notes POP-up when a Callsign of a friend shows up in the logging window

Instructions are here

Thanks to N4GG for bringing mention of this neat little application back to life
It was originally hoisted on OE8CIQ's web server but those links are now dead
So right click on the links here and download to a saved place on your hard drive

I offer no tech support on this application, comments and fed back are welcome here and should also be addressed on the WriteLog Reflector !

more info.......................

a friend file looks like this................
(edit it with a text editor like Notepad not a word processor and save it with the ini extension)


save it as Friend.ini in the directory where programs, writelog, programs exists
when you launch friend application (after you launch WL)
right click on the blue area of that WLFriend program window and tell it where that friend file is

yes it is a simple and neat app......

I remember a lot of discussion (about three years ago) about huge friend files for cw and voice macros that most decided use of macros just slowed our rates down too much so after further thought I think this simple pop up window makes more since

Of course we could use the traditional Friend file as the big file and a MyFriend.ini file as the true my "select' friends if we instruct wl and the wlfriend programs to look for the data in the right places !


Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Ve7cc Setting of Filters a simple step by step

KD4K published this step by step how to of setting the filters with VE7CC user software
it is much simpler following these steps than reading the "instructions"

First off you must be connected to a "CC" Cluster such as VE7CC-1.
Click on the "Country" tab.
Click the "NA" bullet.
In the "Band" section click the "ALL" bullet.
Click the "Spotter Country" bullet.
Click the "Clear" button.
Put a check in the "K" and the "VE" check boxes.
Click the "Tell Cluster" Button.
You should now only receive spots from US and VE stations.

73 de Tony, KD4K
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