Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Shreveport Amateur Radio Association Fellowship day

The Shreveport Amateur Radio Association (SARA)
will hoist a social April the 14th

April 14, 2012 - Cook-Out On Arthur Teague Pkw, at the Boat Launch Pavilion Under the Barksdale – Shrev City Bridge. $5.00 per head. Hamburgers and Hot Dogs. There will be 2 or 3 equipment On-the-Air demonstrations.

Monday, March 05, 2012

Saturday, March 03, 2012

CQ North America from Ti5N......

Yes we are well under way and having a blast at Ti5N
great team of ops here with me, Aj3G,Wk4Y,WA4PGM, and K1DG

Less than four hours into the contest and our team broke 1.5 million points
this morning our Q's were over 3k and the average Q rate per hour at times was almost 400 yes that is 400 Q's per Hour !!!

We (our team) has managed a few hundred Q's on 160 meters !!!
