Friday, January 08, 2016

YCCC 9 element Low band Vertical RCV Array

Here is a very short Video of the performance of this array....

Note I have only finished 3 of the 9 elements
They are in a line N.E.  / S.W.
The control cable was only two lines for power, none for switching
So the only switching in this first use
is The Array (RX ANT) Versus the Transmit antenna (which is a long legged Vee Beam)
I will be posting more Videos of this very impressive antenna soon.


Wednesday, January 06, 2016

Vee Beam a simple wire antenna with very long legs

Vee Beam fed with Ladder line
Forground 3 el 17m beam being assembled
Area 57

Monday, January 04, 2016

Nearly end of the day at "Area 57"

Nearly End of The daylight Hours
"Area 57"

Finished up the roughed in plumbing and started hooking up a few appliances like a whirlpool tub
HVAC system will get installed in a couple of weeks

Tomorrow I spend a little more time perfecting the three elements of the 9 ele YCC low band receive array, while we have another day of sunshine here.

Mean while I just worked a new one on 80m cw
ES3AX  August in Estonia