Infrequent Ramblings from Steve KG5VK Topics are Mainly Ham Radio, Fishing, Target Shooting or just nonsense
Wednesday, November 09, 2016
Work at Area 57 AKA 125 Contest lane begins on the holes for the Two Towers
Rented a very large CAT Backhoe with supposedly rock teeth
got a bit deeper on all the holes but the north Guy anchor needs to go Four more feet
yup I am in solid rock at only two feet down
Ordered a large SDS MAX Hammer Drill and a couple of bags of some stuff called DexPan
which is supposed to go in the drilled holes in the rock and twenty four hours later will have expanded enough to break the rock
We shall see if this works, at this point I have my doubts
and may need to move my Northern Guy anchor out fusrther and pary I don't hit another Vein of the same rock !
I guess this is my real welcome to North Texas :)
Rented a small back hoe got most of the holes dug for the front tower Then at the front Guy anchor point I hit shale rock while only down 2 feet So now I am on hold to find a much bigger track hoe and or a jack hammer !!!
Mean while I now have started on wiring for the
new Ham Shack building
I also received delivery of 8 utility poles that are
begging for my attention I plan on using these for
a large Rhombic antenna on the back 24 acres
All nine elements of the YCCC low band Receive
array are now up however the electronics are not
mounted as of now as they were getting destroyed
by lightning.
So I am building some rather large RF chokes to
go in parallel with some inexpensive lightning
arrestors I bought from Mouser Electronics
This image taken before I had all the elements up
wife like to call this one the Wagon Wheel
Sunday, September 11, 2016
W4ZV's Pile Up buster Technique..........(For the K3 with cw skimmer)
That's exactly how I use Skimmer for pileup busting. You need the following: 1. K3 with KXV3 and KRX3. 2. LP-PAN ~$200...probably don't need the preamp option. 3. LP-Bridge free...allows running Skimmer and N1MM simultaneously 3. CW Skimmer software $75 4. A decent soundcard $100...see 5. P4 2.5 GHz computer...mine cost $90 on eBay.
You do NOT need: HamRadioDeluxe PowerSDR NaP3 (I haven't tried it but it's not necessary for what you described) CW Skimmer includes OmniRig which is all that's needed to drive the K3 directly (none of the above is needed).
The only limitation is that you're limited to 24 kHz bandwidth, which is a limit Alex VE3NEA imposes on the "Softrock on IF" mode. However I haven't found any pileups wider than 24 kHz! You do need to set the Sub RX on the DX station because Skimmer only sees IF OUT for Main and because the K3 always transmits on Main (VFO A).
The procedure is:
1. Tune in the DX station. If you prefer using the Main knob, double tap A>B to copy everything to the Sub RX. If you want to listen to the pileup and the DX station simultaneously you can set L-R MIX audio options in CONFIG. I use a Pileup Buster Macro to set everything up with a single button press.
2. Next set Main (VFO A) to the approximate center of the pileup. Skimmer will then see +/- 12 kHz around VFO A.
3. Listen to the DX station. When he answers N6KR, look for the "N6KR 599" decoder dot on the display.
4. Click the dot and you're ready to transmit.
I usually crank in ~50 Hz XIT so I'm not dead zero beat with others doing the same thing. :-)
Believe it or not, I've actually busted some huge pileups without even listening to them. One I recall vividly was the ST0R pileup on 160 in August. 73, Bill ---------------------
transmit and other Macros for the k3 with many thoughts and thanks to Alan K2ACK
1 RAGCHEW TE+06+06+00+06+00+04+08+12;MN110;SWT12;SWH45;MN255;
2 DX TE+00+00+00-06+00+04+08+12;MN110;SWT13;SWH45;MN255;
3 VERYDX TE-06-06+00-06+00+04+08+12;MN110;SWT24;SWH45;MN255;
4 FLAT TE+00+00+00+00+00+00+00+00;MN110;SWT11;SWH45;MN255;
as found on the following website
Also see his Chaining of Macros discussion...
Thanks to Alana K2ACK for the posts at his site.
Saturday, September 10, 2016
AGC settings for the K3 explained rather well...
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
Monday, August 22, 2016
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
Propagation Tools a Presentation by KG5VK centered on ViewProp
Sunday, July 10, 2016
Thursday, July 07, 2016
FCP Info by DL2OBO -
Make sure you look at the Notes from Tom W8JI in this one
he makes some very good points, just like he always does !
Bottom line is instead of folded radials FCP use short radials
made electrically longer with coils - however the difference is small
and as Tom said unless you really screw it up
These things just plain work !
Also the page is broken
Tuesday, July 05, 2016
Trouble shooting tips for the YCCC array
Sunday, June 12, 2016
The official documentary video for WRTC2014 is now available!
Wednesday, June 01, 2016
Thursday, May 19, 2016
More from N4JTE This time Two pairs of phased Verticals, no it is not a true Four Square
Saturday, May 07, 2016
Sunday, April 17, 2016
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Tuesday, March 01, 2016
AB0X and the KCDX Club offer a great pdf file on Receive antennas
Monday, February 29, 2016
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Sunday, January 17, 2016
Friday, January 08, 2016
An On Line Simple Air Coil Calculator mentioned in the Feb 2016 QSR Article by Ward Silver
The Impedance Matching designer link is here
Thanks to Ward for another great effective article
YCCC 9 element Low band Vertical RCV Array
They are in a line N.E. / S.W.
The control cable was only two lines for power, none for switching
I will be posting more Videos of this very impressive antenna soon.
Wednesday, January 06, 2016
Monday, January 04, 2016
Nearly end of the day at "Area 57"
HVAC system will get installed in a couple of weeks
ES3AX August in Estonia