Friday, June 16, 2017

N1MM+ MACRO Cat commands to FTdx5000 with a DVS-6

Another way for sending voice messages is to use the optional DVS-6. 
With the macro {CAT1ASC PB0#;} 
in the N1MM F-keys you can send the 5 available voice messages.

also a Note from K3CT on this......

Make sure you check “Internal Radio Codec” in the Logger+ Audio, Playback tab. This will cause the program to send commands to the radio to switch between the MIC and radio codec. It should not be necessary to change radio menu items to perform this switching.

John, K3CT


Saturday, May 20, 2017

A thought on the Mining WSPR transmissions

Click on "Specify query parameters" and specify your callsign or callsign of a particular spotting station.

Copy the screen data to a text file then import the data into MS Excel (or equiv.) and plot like shown further on down on this webpage:

Sunday, April 09, 2017

Sunday, April 02, 2017

Setting Up Ve7CC User Filtering and use with N1MM+ up ve7cc user Filtering.ppt

Clicking The above Link will down load a power point file I created on the topic KG5VK

Friday, March 10, 2017

My newest antenna at Area 57 aka 125 Contest Ln An 8el Sterba Curtain Array

It's just a wire antenna
But it has an estimated 8db of gain over a dipole
Mine is ladder line fed from a home made 9:1 Balun
It appears to work much better than my 20m ground mounted vertical that has 32 radials
Very few trees here and what we do have are short scrub brushes
So I installed two surplus Telephone poles

The LA QSO PArty is coming..........

14:00 UTC, March 18, 2017 to 02:00 UTC, March 19, 2017 
(Nine AM to nine PM CDT Saturday, March 18, 2017)
Sponsored by
Louisiana Qso Party – March 18th 2017