New from our friends at Lake Area Amateur Radio Association using Winlink.I would like to invite you to participate in a new WinLink net called WinLink Wednesdays. This net is open to everyone, so please invite your other WinLink friends to participate.The purpose of the net is to keep operators skills fresh on how to operate WinLink via RF. Skills atrophy without use, and the most likely time you will use WinLink is during an emergency. If you use a skill at least one a week, the chances of atrophy lessen greatly.So, how do you participate? It's quite easy. You will send a message to KF5VO via WinLink on Wednesday. When you open a new message, Click on Select Template --> Standard Templates --> GENERAL Forms --> WinLink Check In.txt. Fill out the form. Make sure you put KF5VO in the "Send To:" filed. If you need help, there is a link on the form called "Form Info" that describes each input. Click the submit button, and send the e-mail.For now, send the message via RF to any WinLink Gateway. At a later date we may try direct connections, but not yet.Send the message on Wednesday between the times of 12:00 a.m. in the morning and 11:59 p.m. in the evening, local time. The list of check-ins will be compiled on either Thursday or Friday and sent back out to everyone that checked in.Our first WinLink Wednesday will be July 10.73,
John, KF5VO
Infrequent Ramblings from Steve KG5VK Topics are Mainly Ham Radio, Fishing, Target Shooting or just nonsense