Sunday, August 27, 2006

Did U know

That if you log into the Blog from an Invitation that I have sent you you may add articles
instead of simply replying to any that I start
So you can start a subject, yourself.
If I have not sent you an invite just ask me in an email and I will add your name to the invite list

The SDX is not my forum
I want other authors,
it would be great if every member could be a thread starter (author)


Friday, August 25, 2006

What have you worked today ?

This thread is geared towards sharing what you have worked and when
Please join in

Thursday, August 24, 2006


The YO DX HF Contest, ALARA Contest,Hawaii QSO Party, Keyman's Club of Japan CW Contest, SCC RTTY Championship, Ohio QSO Party, SARL HF CW Contest and the CQC SummerVHF/UHF QSO Party will certainly keep contesters busy this weekend.
Please see August QST, page 89 and the ARRL and WA7BNM contest websites for details.
Reminder there is a link to the WA7BNM contest calendar from the SARA website

Sun Down DX Association

Sun Down DX Association
Please keep in mind that the SDXA is an Inclusive organization
we want anyone and everyone that has like interest to join
whether you wish to only join conversations here thru the Blog or at the meetings at Chef Lee following the SARA meetings
you are welcome !


Wednesday, August 23, 2006

North Alabama DX Club

North Alabama DX Club

The North Alabama Dx Club members were the hoist to DXers from around the nation during the recent Huntsville Hamfest.

KF5XV Bobby and myself (kg5vk) were indeed impressed
by their professionalism and hospitality.

I encourage all SDXA members to consider joining the NADXC
I have already mailed my application !


A Propagation tool that is an Ace


ACE stands for "Animated Communications Effectiveness", a coverage display technique originally developed for U.S. Navy submarine communications.

The ACE method shows a sequential series of coverage maps. When the maps are animated, a movie is shown.

ACE-HF's advantage is that the effects of the day's passage may be easily understood. ACE shows when the HF bands will be open in different world areas.

ACE comprehensive review

ACE has been ordered by me for implimentation in the KG5VK Contest station.


Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Welcome to the reincarnation of SDXA

Formally known as The Shreveport DX Association
The Sundown Dx Association aka "SDXA"
is made up of members that have a like interests

While we will refuse no one form becoming a member (we wish to be a inclusive rather than exclusive organization) those that love to chase DX and esp those that love to nail it with the first call while running lots a watts should definitely apply for membership.

Application for membership could not be simpler
just show up at the SDXA dinner following the Regular monthly SARA meetings at Chef Lee's

Remember all we ask is that you have a passion for chasing and catching DX !

All members are encouraged to post comments here in the Blog !!!
