Infrequent Ramblings from Steve KG5VK Topics are Mainly Ham Radio, Fishing, Target Shooting or just nonsense
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Pointing the beam..........
simply pressing the keyboard key just to the left of the number one and exclamation mark TOP keyboard numbers not the right key pad
it's called the Grey key
if shift was used it would be the squl key or something name
but we don't use shift
long winded explanation but if a call is in the call window pushing that button on 15/20/40 meters will swing the beams at that call area
Or simply roate the heading select knowb on the rotor control box
or use the CCW or CW buttons but that means keeping one hand on the switch
less ergonomic when typing and tuning the rig
cheers !
WriteLog The Contesting Software at KG5VK
set-up can be complicated because of it's many features
Contest OPS need not worry about set-up of the software
I have already done that :)
However I will share a few how to get the most out of the program while operating the contest
here in the BLOG over the next few weeks before the 18th
I will start with Editing a log entry
yes simple old back space or delete buttons work
but there are more tools like adding a note to a QSO logged enrty for later review
like was his call bzf for blooming zipper flipper or was that something else ?
This will help me when "cleaning" the log prior to submission
here we go.............................
Editing in the QSO Entry Window
Here is what the QSO Entry window looks like:
The character editing capabilities of the QSO Entry Window are extensive and follow:
BACKSPACE deletes the character to the left of the cursor.
CTRL+D and DELETE are identical and delete the character under the cursor.
CTRL+A moves the cursor to the beginning of the first (left most) field in the entry window.
HOME moves the cursor to the beginning of the current field.
CTRL+E moves the cursor to the end of the last field in the entry window.
END moves the cursor to the end of the current field.
CTRL+F (or right arrow) moves the cursor one character to the right.
CTRL+B (or left arrow) moves the cursor one character to the left.
ALT+W (or CTRL+BACKSPACE) clears all the fields in the Entry window, and places the cursor in the CALL field.
CTRL+W clears the current field.
ALT+T brings up the timed CQ dialog and turns timed CQ on or off.
ALT+C brings up the Rttyrite call queue, if you’re running RTTY. Otherwise it does nothing.
ALT+L forces a switch to LTRS if you’re running RTTY. Otherwise it does nothing.
Keypad * clears the RIT setting on your rig if it is attached and if it supports such an operation.
CTRL+K clears the current field to the right of the cursor.
TAB exits the current field and moves the cursor to the next one to the right, unless there isn't one. SHIFT+TAB goes to the previous one to left.
ENTER causes the current values in the Entry Window to be entered in the log at the end. (See also Special Message Accelerator Keys. If you are calling CQ, you want may turn on the preference that causes ENTER to simultaneously send CW, move the cursor through the entry fields, and log QSO's.) WriteLog can refuse to enter the QSO if there is something wrong with the entry. If so, it presents a message just below the CALL field saying what its complaining about.
The QSO fields configured to not accept the SPACE character (i.e., the callsign and numeric fields) usually respond to SPACE by moving the cursor to the beginning of the next field. However, SPACE from the right most field always goes to the CALL field. Typing a SPACE to the CALL field in the rare case (Sweepstakes only) where it is not the left most field goes either to the right, or to the first field whichever is opposite from the way it went the time before.
A right mouse click in this window brings up a menu of items that affect the window, or the radio it controls.
Let's assume that the call in the QSO Log window at number 5 below, JY/K9JY, is incorrect in that K9JY is really in the United States and not in Jordan as shown in the log. Before realizing the mistake in the heat of battle, the operator presses the Enter key and stores the QSO in the Log:
It would be great to have Jordan as a multiplier, but, unfortunately, K9JY is just another one of those 'W' contacts in the CQ WW SSB contest. To edit the contact in WriteLog is simple and follows normal Windows conventions.
First, double clicking on the QSO and the field to be corrected (in our example, the Call field containing JY/K9JY) opens a Log Edit window automatically as shown below:
You will notice that the Log Edit window automatically pops to the top of the QSO Log window. As a result, there is no need to position it on your screen; it pops up, takes the correction, and then politely goes away until needed again.
You will note that the field clicked is what is available to you. If you noticed an incorrect zone in the log, double click on the incorrect Zone to make the zone field available for edit.
Once you correct the call, press the Enter key. Your screen will now look like this:
Note two items: first, the Log Edit window politely went away. Second, note that WriteLog also corrected the country and country prefix with the edit so that the 'new country' multiplier is no longer in the log and the score has been corrected.
However, WriteLog does NOT correct the Zone for the contact for those contacts that use zones as a multiplier. For those situations, follow your editing process again and double click on the zone number for the K9JY QSO to bring up the Log Edit window, correct the zone, and press the Enter key to update the log.
Editing the time, date, or frequency of a QSO will produce a little dialog box that will allow you to either type or mouse click in the correct information.
WriteLog allows you to append a note to a QSO on the fly. Notes can be used for commentary (you're writing an article for National Contest Journal and want to remember what happened during a contest), or for reminders to you (check this station for proper country), or your own commentary about this contact. To do so, add a note to the QSO.
Once a station is in the QSO Entry window, simply type Alt-N (as in NOTE...). A mini window will pop up allowing you to type your note about the contact. All of these notes are stored in a separate file with your WriteLog contest and can be viewed with Notepad or WordPad. The popup window looks like this:
Once you have added your note, click on OK for the note to be saved.
you can read a whole bunch on WriteLog at
don't over look K9JY's website linked from the wl url
Monday, October 30, 2006
ARRL SweepStakes is around the corner.........
Phone is the 18th
Friday, October 27, 2006
Low bands is where it's at.............
because of atmospheric noise QRN and lightning crashes from thousands of miles away are really hard on the ears
with us approaching the end of the bottom of this sun spot or solar cycle we should take advantage of the quiter than normal times
No low band antenna you say, a modest vertical with 7 above ground radials or an Inverted "L" will get you there
last week I worked several new ones on 75 and 80 meters.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Someone recently said no one is writing new software tools for Hams for free any more....
Here is a really neat tool that may change the dynamics of contesting
A live score Board of the action in almost real time
watch CQWW play out on! Tell your friends.
written by Gerry, W1VE
Check it out !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is Kewel and did I mention it's FREE !
Friday, October 13, 2006
A Fantastic little company that has the Ham Radio Spirit
I found a product I needed, I read the reviews
I ordered it
Got it installed and proptly took a lightning hit
my new gear was damaged
I called Jeff and he said pack it up and ship it back to us and we will fix it up and bill you for the return shipping.
Who the heck am I talking about ?
Glad you asked.............
They make one product and they do an awesome job at building a quality product that can only be exelled by their service and support
The RT-20 Rotor controller
is much more than just a different rotor controller than that that came with your rotor
It has programable soft turning limits
it has stop turn for coasting compensation
it has better than 1 degree accuracy if your POT has the resolution for it
It comes standard with a buit-in RS-232 controll so your computer software can tell your rotor where to go :)
A small point and shoot know
for pointing and then hands off rotation
as well as a standard ccw and cw switch
all with service and support from Real Ham Radio ops !!!
In 36 days you may enjoy some of these features while operating ARRL SweepStakes here at KG5VK
Remember SS is 18 November !
and we will also be enjoying increased Phone band previleges
Thursday, October 12, 2006
The ARRL website as well as many others has band expansion news !!!
and us Extra class ops get a boat load more room on 75/80 meter phone band
they (The FCC) did nothing with respect to the Code test
read it all at
Remember to check and make sure the date of November 18 is marked out for operating in ARRL Phone Sweepstakes contest with increased phone sub bands it should be really really interesting !!!