Monday, October 30, 2006

ARRL SweepStakes is around the corner.........

The CW Portion of ARRL SS is this coming week-end (Nov 4th)
Phone is the 18th



  1. ARRL SS Rules High Lights

    Work Stations ONCE regardless of band

    Unlimited band changes for Multi-Op teams

    Multi-Op SINGLE Transmitter
    (only one transmit signal at any time)

    24 hours total operation time out of the 30 hour period
    (Off time in 30 minutes increments or more)

    Time OFF strategy for KG5VK
    Barring a Saturday afternoon/Evening Thunderstorm that QRT’s us we will QRT for 4 hours of sleep at 1 AM Sunday Morning
    Returning to the air as sun rises at 5 AM

    This leaves us Four 30 minute off periods tat may be taken Saturday or Sunday

    Band changes
    Use the highest frequency band that is open
    For Running the Q’s we need a high QSO rate to break last years score and move up to first place in the Delta Division and a notch or two higher in the regional listing box (we were fifth in the region and second in the division last year, first place in Louisiana)

    Call Score QSOs Mult Class Section Check Hours
    KG5VK 165,280 1,033 80 M LA 72 23

    160 80 40 20 15 10
    0 98 415 344 176 0

    I have worked hard to ensure we have better antenna choices this year for 80 (75meters) and I have added a second 40m beam at a much lower height with hopes that we bend some s meter needles in Mississippi and Texas and get a higher rate on 40m

    I also invested in Propagation software tools to help ensure we don’t over look a Ten meter band opening
    KG5VK Sweepstakes Team members are encouraged to watch the cluster and the prop software computers when not operating and help us be on the right band and not miss a ten meter opening – I totally blew catching it last year !


  2. Marsh KA5M has generously volunteered to buy the Clean Sweep Mugs for all ops that work more than 100 Q's during this coming contest at KG5VK.

    Thanks Marsh !!!


  3. Rate !

    QSO rate that is
    a goal is 90 q's per hour
    over the whole period of 24 hours

    I know late at night and early in the morning that rate will not stand
    so we must beat that rate whenever possible !

    83 q's per hour for 24 hours gives us a total qso score of 2000 qso's
    almost double what we did last year

    it is a target to shoot for
    I will be thrilled with less
    1500 total qso's should allow us to move up a notch or two in the standings.

    So if you get asked to allow an op to relive you and your rate is less than 60-80 q's per hour
    Take a break and come back at it again, please don't get hurt and leave. We want your help on this team !!!!!!!!!


  4. Station layout

    similar to last year

    left radio and left amp on three bands

    right radio and right amp on 10 and 80m as well as a second 40m antenna

    But please don't twy both rigs and amps on the same band, even if the antennas are seperated over 300 feet we could loose a reciever

    However I have install auto switching band pass filetr units on both transcievers

    which do allow us to operate on 40m while looking for multipliers on 15m and visa versa

    One toggle switch and you have moved to the right xcvr from the left and visa versa !

    The right radio is the FT-100mp and it is the low band rig (80m) and as such has a beverage antenna system connected to it's rx antenna (auto switching during xcv) band jack

    This bevrage is an East/West switchable system

    You guys will love the ICOM 775dsp rig
    It is a pleasure to listen to even on an insanely crowded band
    The auto notch will kill a keyed down squel in a heart beat (saves our ears)


  5. last year we were beat out of first place in our divisaon by K4JNY team

    they had.............
    1,570 Q's with a sweep
    beating us by less than 400 q's !!!



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