Friday, January 26, 2007

160m CW contest is this week-end !

watch for this one...................

VIET NAM, 3W. Eddy, XV1X and Stan, 3W9JR will be QRV as 3W3W from a
location southwest of Haipong in the CQ WW 160-Meter CW contest.

1 comment:

  1. while I never got to work any of the Rare DX on 160m cw this week-end during the contest I did manage 407 Q's with 55 multipliers

    I missed working KL7 and KH6 as well as Idaho,South Dakota and Wyoming

    My operating time was well under the 48 hour Max (8.5 hours)

    (I choose the Multi-Op category, just in case anyone showed up and wanted to join me)

    I entered the Log as me plus DX cluster.

    January the 10th is the Louisiana State QSO party anyone want to play ?



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