Friday, March 30, 2007

Pile Up a new PDF News Letter

This year's first issue of PileUp!, in English, is
available in pdf-format, 6 Mbytes

This issue 11(1) includes supplementary audio files,
3 Mbytes each:

rgds, OH1WZ

Ilkka Korpela

some awesome stats, kewel Photos and a neat Drake R4C, yes I said a Drake R4C

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

CQ WPX Contest (The Prefix Contest)

The Home Page for the Cq WPX Contest is here

The Phone version of CQ WPX (The Prefix Contest) is this week-end


Wednesday, March 14, 2007

The Aligator and the Wildebeest by Tom Duncan KG4CUY

It's not really the tittle he chose but I think you will find my mis nomer fits Hi !

The article is on the North Alabama DX Club website
They are in Huntsville and are the Hoist of the Huntsville Hamfest
which has a website address of

I will be attending this great Hamfest and have already made my room reservations


if your interested in contesting , but not for 12 hours or more.....

Try The series of Sprint Ladder Contests.............

Get set for the NCCC NS Ladder Competition. (NSL) . .

This coming Thursday evening .. NSL #1 . . 1st session of an 18 week series in which your 12 best efforts count toward awards.

Time: 0230-0300Z Friday (Thursday evening US)
Freq: Near 1815 3540 7040 14040
Exchange: Ser #, Your first Call, State/Province/country
Dupes: 1 intervening qso same band, immediately work same station on band change.
Mults: per band
Power limit: 100w.
Remember: Carefully set your start and stop time . see comments under "NS Rules" .. Time
Report scores using fom at , directly to or to n6zfo.

Rules: See

Logging: After deciding to use " Your first call" in place of name, we discovered that this change can cause both WL and TR Log to balk. Ed, W0YK, has the fixes for WL and TR Log on the NS web page at Do the best you can . . we'll consider a return to the traditional Name next week if there are complaints. Remember the first and most important rule of NS is "Have FUN", and we're dead serious about that.

Score calculation: Howie, N4AF, kindly updated NS Score Calculator to version 1.15 to accommodate this year's more liberal dupe allowance. see

The NS Ladder has a dedicated and expanding fan-base ... we'd love to have you join. A great and quick contest entertainment for Thursday night, and the family probably won't notice you've disappeared for a while.

See you on Thursday. Questions/comments to Bill n6zfo

73 and good luck,

Bill N6ZFO/6


Tuesday, March 13, 2007

ARRL SS CW results are now posted on the ARRL website

First place Delta division for CW mode went to.....


We should know the Phone results within a couple of more weeks !

Moxon Antennas

Steve K6SGH sends word of another Web site devoted exclusively to
Moxon antennas - It has Moxon
designs, including multiband and experimental Moxons, from hams all
over the world.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

NA QSO Party Sprint from 6-10 pm This Saturday

The next North American RTTY Sprint is this Saturday evening from 00-04ZSunday.

It's a fun four hours and an opportunity to sharpen up your RTTYcontesting skills.

Form a team, up to 10 stations per team, and register itprior to the contest at

Rules are at Note the special "legaldupe" rule for the RTTY Sprint. You can work the same station multipletimes per band if there are three intervening QSOs with other stations inBOTH logs between the legal dupes. For the mathematical attorneys, "threeintervening QSOs" means you can work the same station as often as everyFOURTH QSO. As always, any illegal dupes are removed from your log in logchecking with no penalty.In keeping with the Sprint spirit, preliminary log checking results will beposted on the NCJ web site within 14 days after the event. (Logs are due 7days after the event, preferably via the Upload Logs web page,,Ed - W0YK

Friday, March 02, 2007

watch the scores in the current contest........

This week-end March 3-4
The KG5VK station is playing hoist to a team of ops
in the ARRL DX Phone contest

All are invited

If you can't make but want to watch our score
you can see all the lives scores at............
