Tuesday, March 06, 2007

NA QSO Party Sprint from 6-10 pm This Saturday

The next North American RTTY Sprint is this Saturday evening from 00-04ZSunday.

It's a fun four hours and an opportunity to sharpen up your RTTYcontesting skills.

Form a team, up to 10 stations per team, and register itprior to the contest at http://www.ncjweb.com/rttysprintteamreg.php.

Rules are at http://www.ncjweb.com/sprintrules.php. Note the special "legaldupe" rule for the RTTY Sprint. You can work the same station multipletimes per band if there are three intervening QSOs with other stations inBOTH logs between the legal dupes. For the mathematical attorneys, "threeintervening QSOs" means you can work the same station as often as everyFOURTH QSO. As always, any illegal dupes are removed from your log in logchecking with no penalty.In keeping with the Sprint spirit, preliminary log checking results will beposted on the NCJ web site within 14 days after the event. (Logs are due 7days after the event, preferably via the Upload Logs web page,http://www.ncjweb.com/sprintlogsubmit.php.)Diddles,Ed - W0YK

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