Friday, May 18, 2007

ARRL Divisions and Our State Section web sites....

The websites vary greatly
ours seems more ARES and Traffic totals centered

Is traffic and ARES the only thing happening with our Division ?

Where would we turn if we wanted state or regional news ?

Who is the big gun VHF/UHF Dx op in our state ?
Who is the Elmer of the year, is there such a thing ?

The SARA Website Rocks, thanks to Ellen and we can be very proud of it
we can help the division and region websites by sending them feed back.

I would like to see more news about our region and Division in QST but that is not going to happen, they just don't have the room for anything other than traffic and new hams in the division news within QST

The same person that manages our great website for SARA manages the state website
so she only needs our feed back
Placing the burden on her without us helping provide feedback is wrong and will not help
when you have something news worthy drop Ellen a note about it.


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