Friday, July 06, 2007

A great deal of Thanks !

ARRL FD 2007 is history
and with the great turn out we had
it was awesome !

I wish to thank a few people (well more than a few)
these people were not only at FD, they contributed in either set-up, tear down
many did both and a few went even beyond that !

If I missed thanking anyone I apologize in advance

Here is who we saw give extra contribution to our successful FD event....

Randy Fulco K5SL Antenna set-up & Tear down Long hours at the rig and Chief cook even in the rain

Floyd Hoskins N5FH Floyd, always there always digging in his pocket to contribute Again this year FD buttons were given to many by Mr Hoskins

John Shidler NS5Z Set-up Tear down and much more

Robert Fincher K5REF Set-up Tear down, hauling equipment to and from the site

David Crosby K5SRZ Powerful Phone Op

Matt Chapman K5DAZ Awesome for his experience level Look forward to his addition to the SS Team

Mike Ketchens KE5DLM Always a pleasure to operate and visit with Mike

Gary Straton K5GLS Fantastic hospitality in his Home on wheels

Ray Bureau AD5ZT Ray, from mentored to mentoring a real great friend and Extra classy OP

Glenn Pettiet N5SH GOTA and much More, including an awesome wire loop with pulleys et all

Dave Davis W5WRG Food assistant and Satelite expert

Retta Davis WB5HXD Chef, Publicity expert and much much more a very special person

Chas Dickson KE5EEE What a pleasure to have Chas join us for set-up

Marcel Livesay N5VU Whoa where has this Okie been hiding a new must have phone op on the SS team

Tom Reilly W3GAT Great to see Tom with new energy on FD, thanks for the awesome GOTA support

Barney Bates N5EYK Wow ! Shows up Friday and donates 100 feet of Rohn 25g to the club !

Jim Prothro N5IOO Lawn Mower Man !!!!!! Thanks for cutting the grass down to size !!!

Ron Porter K5AI What a pleasure to meet and have a short chat with Ron during set-up

Marsh Stewart KA5M SARA FD Chairman 2007, extra ordinary operator who lended support to the cw guys

Again, if I missed anybody, it wasnt intentional.



1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:48 AM

    A special thanks to Steve Smith, KG5VK, SARA President, and an avid supporter of FD 2007. Always positive and upbeat, Steve never seems to be brought down by the little things that inevitably go wrong. Again this year Steve went all out for FD, bringing out a high-end radio, a Yagi, a computer, and a lot of other gear. Steve is a genuine contest operator (which probably should be added to the endangered species list, at least in these parts) and he led the phone tent under less than ideal propagation conditions to a respectable 500 SSB Qs. He was also one of only four (4) still at the FD sight after midnight. Steve, thanks again for your outstanding FD support!

    Marsh, KA5M


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