Re: Mentoring Activity Is Active Mentoring, Club News - August
I have just finished reading the ARRL club newsletter article on
mentoring and I could not agree more. Just for a little background, I
am a new ham who walked into the first "no code" test session, took
all three elements and walked out an Amateur Extra, [and] had no idea
how to properly conduct a QSO. Luckily we have a strong local club,
the Shreveport Amateur Radio Association, whose members helped me
learn how to conduct myself on the air.
We are stressing micro henrys and smith charts and schematics only to
license hams who do not know how to make a contact. l am living
proof of this. We [new hams] must rely on mentors to teach what the
exams ignore.
I have become active in a local emergency communication organization;
I am making friends and contacts all over the world via PSK. That
probably would not have happened without a local group of hams
helping hams. Continue to stress mentoring and perhaps think about
stressing operating skills and not schematic drawings on the exams.
Hams do not build their own rigs anymore.
73 and good DX,
Is that kewel or what !!!!!!!
Infrequent Ramblings from Steve KG5VK Topics are Mainly Ham Radio, Fishing, Target Shooting or just nonsense
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