Monday, November 12, 2007

ARRL Phone Sweepstakes is this Saturday / Sunday

An OP just telephoned and asked if I was still planning on playing in the contest since my recent hospital stay

The short answer is YES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The long winded reply is below......................

I would have to be Dead "literally" to miss SS !

I feel pretty good today, I actually ran a new pc of hard line to the
shack yesterday with help of my wife (how about that for spouse support)
I know several of you offered to help with the hard line, but when I was ready Zo was here
it only took us about 30 minutes

Played last night on 40 and 75 meters
I simply love the new 1.8 khz filters I installed from INRAD in my Ft-1000MP
and found a couple of big sigs that were on 75 but neither were just
above and just below my listening freqs to test the roofing filter
but I do like less hiss I am hearing on the FT-1000MP

Worked on the ends of the hard line some today
and will be finishing up tomorrow
(the hard line goes to the K9AY loop system)

With the new WX0B Six Pak antenna controller installed we are able to use any antenna in the farm with either radio A or B
I love being able to use any antenna in the farm with either radio !

I have also been playing with the voice keyer (RFI) checks etc....

The six pak two radio antenna switch caused me a few head aches as I
was attempting to automate it, with manual over ride available
that got too complex

right now I have settled on this...........

Band pass filters are automated with what band the radio is selected to
the antenna choices are manual with One single box
left knob is choosing the antenna for the left radio
right knob is choosing the antenna for that radio

neither radio can steal an antenna once it is selected
so the safety factor for that is built-in
we band change Amps when we change bands on the rig (manually) nothing
knew there

Final RFI testing will be Thursday
with full blown QRO on both radio A and Radio B
thursday and thursday night

A bit more of my health issues for those wanting to know....

My next doc apt is this Wednesday
but that is a consult towards the next step either surgery or pain
management doc
(needles in the back of the neck)
they call it pain management
I call it YUCK !
mean while I am on pain killers as well as extra strength tylenol when
taking a break from the strong stuff which after awhile makes me doppie

All I need for this week-end is OPS

pretty sure we will have........ * are confirmed OPS

KA5M Marsh *
Randy K5SL on Sunday *
Marcel Saturday and Sunday *
Bobby (maybe for a few hours at kick off Saturday)
Hugo (Sunday only and he will be the Sun Rise OP) *
Matt * K5DAZ
Brian Lewis K5RV * Sunday afternoon
KH2DF Rick *
K5JBB Justin
K5SRZ David (not sure have not talked to him)
Me *

AD5ZT duration wants to be part of the team but does not want to bog
us down with slow qso rates and is willing to use dx spider and
propagation software to assist us, this is also the same for Glenn
N5SH, and Mike Ke5dlm

Anyone that wants to play, can come......
OPS that generate rate are the ones that will man the radio
as the ops that can, are investing their time to place our team high in the results
there is plenty of fun, even if your not a Rate maker !

Shack familiarization tour starts any time after 12 noon Saturday
Those from outside our area or that have not been mentioned in the OPS list that are reading this and are interested in playing simply email me
for directions to the QTH and allow me to coordinate your participation

I have plenty of sleeping space
for those that wish to remain here for the duration of the contest

The two primary Kick Off Teams are.....
Ka5m and Kg5vk
Kf5xv and K5JBB

Marcel is slated to be slid in and is a great rate maker
not sure when he will arrive

Who have I missed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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