Monday, November 19, 2007

Wow ! we had agreat time this past week-end (ARRL SS)

Wow !

Awesome turn out 13 visitors to the KG5VK station, including Mr. Murphy

In fact Murphy's Law showed up just in time for our first QSO
allowing us a late start by about 45 minutes while a few few of us jumped through hoops looking for a problem of RFI or equipment failure when all it was was a hung relay contact on an antenna switching relay !

just over 1100 Q's and a Sweep with North West Territory being our final multiplier !

here is the overall score summary..............


ARRL Section : LA

Club/Team : Sundown DX Association

Software: N1MM Logger V7.11.0

Band QSOs Pts Sec

3.5 429 858 20

7 83 166 5

14 111 222 33

14 489 978 19

21 26 50 3

28 2 4 0

Total 1140 2278 80

Score : 182,240

Those in attendance at this years ARRL SS "Boys from the North" Team

N5VU Marcel
KA5M Marsh
N5FH Floyd
N5SH Glenn
K5SL Randy
KF5XV Bobby
KH2DF Rick
NZ5S Richard
K5DLM Mike
KG5VK Steve

What fun we had, Marcel had us all rolling out of our seats when he said
"the station beginding with k", after a pile up answered his cq ss call

We averaged one QSO every 1.263 minutes !!!
improving on that is going to be a though challenge next year

The live on-scores database showed us in second place in our catgory among some Top DX/Contest clubs with the likes of K2nny in first place above us, and NT8V in third place below us with K1Kp and W4MY all super stations with well experienced ops at their helm

IOW We did damn good and I hope to see us in first place in the region box for a Multi-op team, as well as first in our state and Division, when the results are published next year !

Food was plentiful with Gumbo, Vegetable soup, Chili being my favorites
No food went to waste it was all scarfed up before the last op (Randy K5SL) headed home
Sunday night !

A special thanks to Randy and Marcel, Randy for staying late tell the end Sunday night
and Marcel for the long hours in the chair which we both productive and entertaining !

Marsh, I am so thrilled you helped me get the most out of my new filters in the FT-1000MP,
(I had to be shown how to turn the filters on that I just installed, yeap embarrassing but true)

You all let me know who wants Sweep Mugs,
mean while I am scrutinizing the log (looking at the notes posted for changes that we not done on the fly).

and hope to follow up this post in a few days with some graphics
along with comparison charts of years past data.

Thanks again to all that came and played !


1 comment:

  1. What a great time! Thanks again for having us all over for SS. And a special thanks to your bride for putting up with us for a whole weekend!

    Marsh, KA5M

    PS: I definitely want a SS mug!


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