Saturday, May 24, 2008

Overall we had 105 Qs deducted from our ARRL SS Phone 2007 effort

Bottom line is we did really well, although not first in State or Section
We did maintain placement in the region box by 5 place.
We did acquire and keep our Sweep !
We had a whole lot of fun !

Many thanks to all of you that operated at KG5VK as well as everyone that worked us
A special thanks to all that just dropped in to see what all the fuss was about in contesting, with the exception of Murphy, yeap we had an early visit from Murphy's Law
Killing our first hour of operating !



  1. Anonymous7:51 AM

    SS is a long exchange, and there's plenty of opportunity for errors. Of course we need to be more accurate, but at least last year (2007) we did have our lowest error rate. We're headed in the right direction!

    73, Marsh, KA5M

  2. Marsh,

    I totally agree !

    We probably lost more q's with being down out the starting blocks from the
    shorted antenna relay.

    We would have lost less time and q's if I had realized what it was instead of swapping out radios.

    Fact is we have a very good team
    I was talking with Wes N5WA last year about our team concepts

    He mentioned that some of the big teams use a dedicated team manager - a person that sits out operating but continually analyzes
    strategy and decision making.

    Of course this is hard to choose to do this because that person needs to be a good op and often the station owner that understands all the eccentricity's of the station
    But I also want to "play" :)



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