Thursday, July 31, 2008

Watch for Randy from Cayman Isl as ZF1SI

Look for K5SL on vacation in Cayman Islands on Aug 9 thru 15 as ZF1SI Randy K5SL

North American QSO Party, CW: 1800Z, Aug 2 to 0600Z, Aug 3

North American QSO Party, CW: 1800Z, Aug 2 to 0600Z, Aug 3
That is tomorrow (This Friday 1 August local time)
31 July 2008

Not just another Watt Meter !!!!!

Just one of the many great graphics available for a Vector watt Meter

Not only will this thing provide low and high power readings with 1% accuracy
it will make your antenna analyzer something you rarely if ever use !
Need to know the true resonance of your antenna or want to Plot the beam width and gain of another antenna, use the field strength tools to make accurate plots
The possibilities with this test equipment make calling it a watt meter slanderous !

The world of vector based watt meters is not really that new if you have been paying attention (which I was not) within the last few years
But this one leads the pack !!!


Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Ea4/DH1TW sdr presentation

click here and find the pdf file

I really like the multiple rcvr (with soft rocks) at different beverages
all streamed to one computer and visual board
This would be one awesome "multiplier hunter" esp when paired with skimmer on cw


1st Annual Sunny South Contest Hospitality Suite

To all contest enthusiast in the South East:

Aug 15th Friday evening the ACG, SECC and TCG will be sponsoring the " 1st Annual Sunny South Contest Hospitality Suite" at the downtown Huntsville, AL Holiday Inn in the MIlltown Room from 7:00 -11:00 PM. Cash bar, snacks , pile-up competition (CW and SSB) and few demonstrations are currently on the evening's agenda. There are prizes for the top pile-up ops also. Drop by to swap some lies, bend an elbow and hobb-nob for a while.

This event is kicking off the annual Huntsville Hamfest which starts it's activities on Sat the 16th at the Von Braun Convention center across from the Holiday Inn and the Embassy Suites hotels in downtown Huntsville (both within one block of the VBC).

During Saturdays Hamfest events there will be a contest forum held from 10:00 AM till 4:30 PM. This is the 2nd Annual Contest Forum sponsored by the Alabama Contest Group (ACG). The Hamfest website has the program listed under forums. That's by the way.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

All Asian DX Contest, Phone 0000Z, Sep 1 to 2400Z, Sep 2

All Asian DX Contest, Phone0000Z, Sep 1 to 2400Z, Sep 2

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


North American QSO Party, SSB1800Z, Aug 16 to 0600Z, Aug 17

Monday, July 21, 2008

The Alabama Contest Group

click here to go to their website

They are kick starting a decent line up of Topics for the Huntsville Hamfest
(August 16th and 17th, 2008)


Saturday, July 19, 2008

Paris Texas HamFest this October

Please help us get the word out and forward this to all you ham friends, post it on club websites, and announce on area nets...This will be the best Paris hamfest yet!!

The Paris Texas Radio Group proudly presents

The 4th Annual Paris Texas Hamfest!!!

DATE: Saturday, October 10-11, 2008

LOCATION: Coliseum @ Red River Valley Fairgrounds..570 East Center St Paris, TX

HIGHLIGHTS: New Radio Vendors, VE Testing, Indoor Flea Market, Contests,

Outside Tailgate, Live Music, Door Prizes, Talk in Frequency 147.040+PL 100.0, Food, Drinks and FUN!!

ADMISSION: ONLY $2.00 (pay on Friday…get in FREE on Saturday)

VENDOR FEES: Flea Market Tables $15.00 each

Tailgate $10.00 (unlimited space)

CONTEST FEES: Global Mobile $5.00

80 Meter Shootout $5.00

2 Meter Shootout $5.00


NOON: Dealer Set-Up

5PM: Doors Open

7PM: Live Music from J.D. Moss & The Texas Highwaymen

9PM: Indoor Flea Market Closes to public


6AM: Dealer Set-Up

8AM: Doors Open

9AM: 80 Meter Shoot Out

10AM: 2 Meter FM Shoot Out

11AM: Global Mobile Judging

****Door prizes given away ALL DAY****

Come to the Paris Texas Hamfest for HAM RADIO FUN!! Bring the whole family!!

Electricity is available for anyone wishing to camp out. Hook-ups available for $15.00.

Special rates available at the Holiday Inn of Paris…call direct and ask for the Paris Hamfe

Thursday, July 10, 2008

I am very sad to report that NZ5S is a Silent Key

Richard Lea
know to his Ham Radio friends as NZ5S
Passed away early this afternoon July 10, 2008

He was a consummate professional photographer, a dear friend,
and one that gave to all he met

He played drums at many churches using music as a method to reach youngsters in need of some guidance

He loved the challenge of DX and Contesting too
he worked several sweepstakes contests with the group
he was always light hearted and enjoyed the chase as well as the camaraderie

He served as our ARRL Emergency Coordinator
and worked with anyone regardless of club or affiliation

He spent a lot of time attempting to help me mend fences between local Ham clubs

He will be missed by many !

I know in my heart he is now with God
but our community has lost one great person
He was 38 years old.

Prayers to his family

Steve Lott

Friday, July 04, 2008

Radio Sport HF Contest one of the short ones that are way too fun

HF Contesting usually hits a dry spell during the summer months, but the
weekend of July 12-13 brings a summer bright spot for HF contesters --
the IARU HF World Championship.

According to ARRL Contest Branch Manager Sean Kutzko, KX9X, the IARU
contest is a little different from most major HF contests. "For
starters, it's only 24 hours long (instead of the normal 48). This
leaves you plenty of time over the weekend to have fun in the contest
and participate in other activities. Another difference is that you can
combine modes. While most HF contests are either CW or SSB, IARU allows
you to operate CW, SSB or a mixture of both. Lastly, the IARU contest
exchange is a signal report and your ITU zone." ITU zones are different
than CQ zones, Kutzko said. For a map of ITU zones, you can visit the
IARU Web site <>.