Thursday, July 31, 2008

Watch for Randy from Cayman Isl as ZF1SI

Look for K5SL on vacation in Cayman Islands on Aug 9 thru 15 as ZF1SI Randy K5SL


  1. Reminder
    Tonight at aproc 11PM local CST Randy
    Will be QRV from Cayman as ZF2SI
    mostly CW, of course !
    Presently in Atlanta, GA

  2. So far I have missed working Randy zf2si, while I heard him on 18 mhz
    My mobile antenna will not resonate there

    Then last night I logged into DX cluster via Telenet
    and saw I just missed him on 40m cw

    Tomorrow Thursday 14th I will be at K8KI's qth and hope to find Randy
    before he QRT's to head home the next day.

    I am staying busy here in Georgia
    between shooting Pools for Blue Haven Pools of Georgia

    And pre-hamfest fun
    including buying another Ft-1000MP which will be added to the SO2R shack and the IC 756 pro 2 will be re relegated to the deployment /FD kit and pulled out for sweepstakes spotting station in Noivember

    We are off to Columbus Ga today with one night there and then into Huntsville for the real Ham Radio fun of the trip

    Thursday is a lite day playing in Bob K8Ki's shack, Friday is helping vendors and flea marketeers set-up
    and then Friday even we attend the first annual contesters hospitality suite sponsored by the Alabama Contest Group

    Saturday during the day is the main event with the Hamfest, a couple of great seminars (speakers) and then that night is the famed DX Dinner

    Sunday more hamfest with last minutes deals and then head home
    Monday we should be home to unpack my new to me FT-1000MP which will be awaiting me

    I am excited that a few good contesters got together in our state and have formed the LCC
    Louisiana Contest Club

    I have already signed up, just need to mail them my $20

    I am thrilled to see a contest club in our state and hope that it grows to become one of the best

    It will if we like minded DXer's and contesters endorse it, please consider joining this small group and helping it grow in to a larger healthy organization that us Louisianians can be proud of.

    Founding members are recognized contesters and therefore our state is off to a good start



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