I had planned on being at K1TTT's station for this week-end's running of the ARRL DX Phone contest, but instead I am here at the home front getting some work done.
Had a recent scare with a visit to the local emergency room with my wife
when I say scary, I mean it. Zo had a very bad alleric reaction to a new drug she was subscribed. I am glad I called 911 fast, as soon as we knew she was having a reaction (just the itching and rash had begun) by the time they got here she was in dire straits, heart trouble, bearly comontose. An IV and 20mg of benadryl and she was stable, but not out of the woods yet.
I am very thankful she is doing fine now.
We now have an epi pen that we keep close by.
Those that know me and anyone that has been to my station knows how much support I get from my wife in everything I do
She is truely the wind beneath my wings.
To me the greatest reward ever is to be recognized by one's peers
at a recent luncheon someone mentioned that they saw kg5vk
in a listing of recent nominee's for membership in the A-1 Operators club
I swear my jaw must have dropped when I heard this
just a nomination to this elite group means a great amount to me
While there is yet no certificate and the nomination may never be seconded I wanted to say Thank You !!!
New computer
I hate breaking in a new CPU or more to the point new software oo even more poignant Operating System
Windows XP Pro was good and stable and it worked with just about everything we hams use, without jumping thru hoops to get things to talk to each other.
Well I am breaking in a new windows 7 machine, life is challenging at times !
Dayton 2010
Randy K5SL and I will be flying to Dayton this year by way of a side trip to the Wright Pat AFB Muesum
this should be a load of fun
I have not been to Dayton since the 80's when Zo and I lived in Indiana
We have dinner reservations at the Contest Dinner Banquet and may also attend the DX Dinner.
I look forward to seeing some old friends and making lots of new ones during the hospitality suite visits
The Big Contest is this week-end
My best effort in any contest without a doubt has to be First Place Europe in the 1981 running of the ARRL DX Phone contest
My self and a few friends, did a MM from N2BVJ/LX and the Luxembourg club
station LX0RL
This was my first ever Wooden Plaque award, thanks to the members of the Grosse Point Farms DX Association for their sponsorship of that really nice plaque !
I am ready to play big time in this contest again
although not from K1TT's super station in Peru, MA
maybe at Pat's station W5WMU in Southern Louisiana
Anyone want to join me ???
If no one wants to do the road trip I might just settle in here at KG5VK for this one. Please let me know asap if your wanting to play in M/S or even M/M
either here at KG5VK or at Pat's station
The Shreveport Amateur Radio Association
continues to grow, meetings are more and more entertaining
the comraderie is awesome
If you missed the last one you missed a good meeting
Next meeting is the 11th of this month (March)
just a few months away, ARRL FD
yes I am the chairman this year, but I have several key helpers
Randy K5SL in the cw trailer, Marsh KA5M in the Phone trailer, Mark K5JMR has his own digital trailer (which is roomy and well airconditioned, as are all our trailers)
There will be several UHF and VHF stations and even 6 meters
We will have a Saturday Hot dog outing at Mark's K5JMR the week-end before FD
and of course the first meeting in June will be used soley for FD discussions
Our Goals are....
Be Safe
Have Fun
Present some very good scores to the ARRL and our section manager
Recruit new Ham's and Ham's to the contesting sport
The ARRL Rookie Contest
Speaking of recruiting Ham's to contesting
My doors are open and the rookie contest is a great time to train new ops into contesting
I hope to get at least one new contesters out of this year's Rookie Phone Contest
April 16, if your interested contact me ASAP
So far John K5ESY is the only one eligible that has expressed intrests
Come on guys and gals don't be shy, this will be fun - I promise !!!!
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