Saturday, May 22, 2010

Dayton 2010-DX/Contest Dinners were Memorable

Got to meet KL7RA, VU2PAI, and VQ9LA...and many others. I walked by a table and as we all do glance at call sign badges. I stopped when I saw KL7 Radio Alaska! About 8 or 9 years ago I set up a JOTA station at a local catholic church picnic area for the 40 or so scouts there. That afternoon on 15m I was called by a very loud KL7RA. I thought he was in CF not Alaska. He said I had a great signal up there and he had been listening and going back to when he was a scout in Bossier City-while his dad was stationed @ Barksdale. Said he remembered getting his swimming merit badge on Lake Bisteneau, and was it still there and a lake you could swim in.
He then told me he was testing out his 4(yes 4) stacked array of yagi's on a 100' tower for SS.
Needless to say his great sig, and this qso was a real show stopper for scouts and parents alike there that afternoon. He told me he remembered the qso like yesterday..
VU2PAI was my first India on 17m, phone and cw ever-qso only 2 mo or so ago. He kinda remembered it, as La not often worked on 17m. (Said QSL for sure!) I mentioned he and VQ9La were the "voice of the Indian Ocean"..He responded "he is here also-met him 30' away 2 min later! GREAT!

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