Tuesday, November 27, 2007

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Tuesday, November 20, 2007

A couple of OPS at the Helm of KG5VK during ARRL SS

making his first ever DX Phone contact
during a visit to KG5vk

N5VU Marcel & Ka5M Marsh
During ARRL Sweepstakes Phone Contest 2007

Look at this............ Pile Up great graphics etc

Pile Up

28 pages of some awesome stats
some of the text is in foreign language but the graphics communicate rater well

pretty neat stuff


Check this out esp if your planning on a cw contest

Looking for an opportunity to sharpen your ears prior to the big one this
weekend? The full recording of my SOAB effort in 2005 and 2006 CQWW CW is
available online at http://www.k5zd.com/live/

I also plan to do audio streaming during the contest again this year. You
can find the live audio at the same address.

I also find reading the experiences of previous contests can be helpful for
"getting in the mood." :) You can read my contest reports at

I also find W2SC does a great job of writing up his adventures to 8P on his
web site at http://tgeorgens.home.mindspring.com/. He has some audio
recordings as well.

Good luck to everyone in the contest!

Randy Thompson, K5ZD

Monday, November 19, 2007

Wow ! we had agreat time this past week-end (ARRL SS)

Wow !

Awesome turn out 13 visitors to the KG5VK station, including Mr. Murphy

In fact Murphy's Law showed up just in time for our first QSO
allowing us a late start by about 45 minutes while a few few of us jumped through hoops looking for a problem of RFI or equipment failure when all it was was a hung relay contact on an antenna switching relay !

just over 1100 Q's and a Sweep with North West Territory being our final multiplier !

here is the overall score summary..............


ARRL Section : LA

Club/Team : Sundown DX Association

Software: N1MM Logger V7.11.0

Band QSOs Pts Sec

3.5 429 858 20

7 83 166 5

14 111 222 33

14 489 978 19

21 26 50 3

28 2 4 0

Total 1140 2278 80

Score : 182,240

Those in attendance at this years ARRL SS "Boys from the North" Team

N5VU Marcel
KA5M Marsh
N5FH Floyd
N5SH Glenn
K5SL Randy
KF5XV Bobby
KH2DF Rick
NZ5S Richard
K5DLM Mike
KG5VK Steve

What fun we had, Marcel had us all rolling out of our seats when he said
"the station beginding with k", after a pile up answered his cq ss call

We averaged one QSO every 1.263 minutes !!!
improving on that is going to be a though challenge next year

The live on-scores database showed us in second place in our catgory among some Top DX/Contest clubs with the likes of K2nny in first place above us, and NT8V in third place below us with K1Kp and W4MY all super stations with well experienced ops at their helm

IOW We did damn good and I hope to see us in first place in the region box for a Multi-op team, as well as first in our state and Division, when the results are published next year !

Food was plentiful with Gumbo, Vegetable soup, Chili being my favorites
No food went to waste it was all scarfed up before the last op (Randy K5SL) headed home
Sunday night !

A special thanks to Randy and Marcel, Randy for staying late tell the end Sunday night
and Marcel for the long hours in the chair which we both productive and entertaining !

Marsh, I am so thrilled you helped me get the most out of my new filters in the FT-1000MP,
(I had to be shown how to turn the filters on that I just installed, yeap embarrassing but true)

You all let me know who wants Sweep Mugs,
mean while I am scrutinizing the log (looking at the notes posted for changes that we not done on the fly).

and hope to follow up this post in a few days with some graphics
along with comparison charts of years past data.

Thanks again to all that came and played !


Wednesday, November 14, 2007

KT0R to be hear again during ARRL SS.....

(the following is copied from the Contest Reflector)

I think many on the list are aware we lost Dave, KT0R, a great contester and a good friend on September 20 to cancer. The Minnesota Wireless Association is still trying to imagine the contesting season without one of our star members. I know Dave has probably worked everyone on this list and has conversed with many of you. His enthusiasm and love of the hobby was magnetic as Dave trained others to become contesters from his small but mighty city lot location. Al, K0AD, the MWA club president said it best when he called Dave the heart and soul of the MWA. Thirty two MWA members attended Dave's funeral and a memorial fund was also established to help his family. I am so proud to be part of such a fantastic club! You can read more about Dave in the upcoming January NCJ where his story will be featured.

In honor of Dave a group of us in the MWA have formed a little club whose purpose is two fold. First, we want to protect the call in hopes one day one of his two young sons will become licensed and will want the call. Second, we want the mighty KT0R to be heard in some of Dave's favorite contests. This weekend a group of us will be operating from Dave's station at the invitation and encouragement of his wonderful wife, Adrienne. I think she misses the chaos heard in the basement shack during contest season so we will once again take over basement and provide pizza and excitement for the family.

It won't be the same working KT0R without Dave sitting in the big chair but, we will do our best to live up to his legacy!



Greg K0OB

Monday, November 12, 2007

ARRL Phone Sweepstakes is this Saturday / Sunday

An OP just telephoned and asked if I was still planning on playing in the contest since my recent hospital stay

The short answer is YES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The long winded reply is below......................

I would have to be Dead "literally" to miss SS !

I feel pretty good today, I actually ran a new pc of hard line to the
shack yesterday with help of my wife (how about that for spouse support)
I know several of you offered to help with the hard line, but when I was ready Zo was here
it only took us about 30 minutes

Played last night on 40 and 75 meters
I simply love the new 1.8 khz filters I installed from INRAD in my Ft-1000MP
and found a couple of big sigs that were on 75 but neither were just
above and just below my listening freqs to test the roofing filter
but I do like less hiss I am hearing on the FT-1000MP

Worked on the ends of the hard line some today
and will be finishing up tomorrow
(the hard line goes to the K9AY loop system)

With the new WX0B Six Pak antenna controller installed we are able to use any antenna in the farm with either radio A or B
I love being able to use any antenna in the farm with either radio !

I have also been playing with the voice keyer (RFI) checks etc....

The six pak two radio antenna switch caused me a few head aches as I
was attempting to automate it, with manual over ride available
that got too complex

right now I have settled on this...........

Band pass filters are automated with what band the radio is selected to
the antenna choices are manual with One single box
left knob is choosing the antenna for the left radio
right knob is choosing the antenna for that radio

neither radio can steal an antenna once it is selected
so the safety factor for that is built-in
we band change Amps when we change bands on the rig (manually) nothing
knew there

Final RFI testing will be Thursday
with full blown QRO on both radio A and Radio B
thursday and thursday night

A bit more of my health issues for those wanting to know....

My next doc apt is this Wednesday
but that is a consult towards the next step either surgery or pain
management doc
(needles in the back of the neck)
they call it pain management
I call it YUCK !
mean while I am on pain killers as well as extra strength tylenol when
taking a break from the strong stuff which after awhile makes me doppie

All I need for this week-end is OPS

pretty sure we will have........ * are confirmed OPS

KA5M Marsh *
Randy K5SL on Sunday *
Marcel Saturday and Sunday *
Bobby (maybe for a few hours at kick off Saturday)
Hugo (Sunday only and he will be the Sun Rise OP) *
Matt * K5DAZ
Brian Lewis K5RV * Sunday afternoon
KH2DF Rick *
K5JBB Justin
K5SRZ David (not sure have not talked to him)
Me *

AD5ZT duration wants to be part of the team but does not want to bog
us down with slow qso rates and is willing to use dx spider and
propagation software to assist us, this is also the same for Glenn
N5SH, and Mike Ke5dlm

Anyone that wants to play, can come......
OPS that generate rate are the ones that will man the radio
as the ops that can, are investing their time to place our team high in the results
there is plenty of fun, even if your not a Rate maker !

Shack familiarization tour starts any time after 12 noon Saturday
Those from outside our area or that have not been mentioned in the OPS list that are reading this and are interested in playing simply email me
for directions to the QTH and allow me to coordinate your participation

I have plenty of sleeping space
for those that wish to remain here for the duration of the contest

The two primary Kick Off Teams are.....
Ka5m and Kg5vk
Kf5xv and K5JBB

Marcel is slated to be slid in and is a great rate maker
not sure when he will arrive

Who have I missed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thursday, November 08, 2007

soon I will be QRV again

I was admitted to the hospital because of chest pains etc
Just got shown a really kewel image of my healthy heart

My only trouble lies in my neck (three ruptured Discs)
I see a much lighter camera case
in my near future !

it's Thursday evening

I thank everyone of you for your prayers
they meant and mean a lot to me !
