Sunday, November 14, 2010

less than a week from now, ARRL Sweepstakes Phone !!!

Most of the antenna farm repairs that can be done are now done
I replaced one long cable run, that Dick WA6MDI helped me identify as having failed
Removed one bad ICE Lighting arrestor from the cable run to the KT-34xa
Attempted to get the rotor position indicator pot working for the Telrex Pair - with no luck, so beam position for that array will be by way of closed ciruit TV monitor

Rates last year we very good for just a few periods of time

which band at what time.............
we need to watch our rates and move if they fall too low
where to set the mark of too low is the question !!!

Last year we had a good run and if I had not gotten bogged down with the amp issue we may have beat AE5T

Total Q's last year (2009) was 1436

142 on 80m
501 on 40m
792 on 20m
1 on 15m
0 on 10m

In 2008 we had 1033 Total Q's
BUT I over slept and we were only on the air for 23 not 24 hours !!!

289 on 80m
323 on 40m
378 on 20m
43 on 15m
0 on 10m

2007 we had a total of 1034 Q's

390 on 80m
76 on 40m Wow low number for 40m
542 on 20m
26 on 15m
0 on 10m

2006 we had a total of 1046 Q's We won Delta Division here

80 on 80m
449 on 40m
418 on 20m
99 on 15m
0 on 10m

I think we need to break into 1800 Q's this year
that is going to be tough !!!

That would be an Q rate of 75 for every hour on the air
1600 Q's if more realistic goal but every year since 2006 everyone is placing Higher Q totals and with the increased activity in SS I am sure this will continue !



Wednesday, November 03, 2010

ARRL SS Sweepstakes at KG5VK

I am building the list of OPS that will join us for ARRL Sweepstakes Phone contest on November 20th
The Contest starts at 3pm local Saturday November the 20th, 2010

here is the list of ops scheduled to be here so far.......

and of course myself

don't see your call listed but want to play
send me an email !!!!!!!!


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

DX and Contest infi is close at hand for Delta Division members

check this out !
Propagation forecasts for the current week-end for us
Delta division members already made !!!


Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Thursday, July 15, 2010

For Men of Morse
Click Here
Lots of neat notes and short articles on Morse code

cheers !

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Skim Scan for use with Skimmer

Here is the link to this great software for those using skimmer to watch for band openings
click here
Cheers !

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

ARRL FD what is it

ARRL Field Day: “Hams” take it to the streets June 26-27

Shreveport/Bossier City, Louisiana - Amateur Radio activities are growing and many radio operators, often called “hams,” will be showing
off their capabilities June 26-27 at The Gazebo near the public boat launch on Arthur Teague Parkway on the Bossier City side of the Red River.
Thousands of Amateur Radio operators will be Erecting radio stations at community parks, campgrounds, schools and emergency centers around the country, they will hold a “Field Day” showing their emergency communications capabilities while having fun talking and texting to friends with their radios.

Far from fading in the age of cell phones and Internet,
Amateur Radio has been growing in the US and 2009 saw over 30,000 new
people became “hams.” Figures from the ARRL, the national
association for Amateur Radio, show consistent growth for the past five
years. The technical skills of hams also improved as almost 50% of
American Amateur Radio operators now go beyond the entry level FCC
licensing requirements and pass the more difficult testing to earn
higher class federal licenses. There are now more than 682,000 Amateur
Radio operators in the US, and 2.5 million around the world.

In past months, many reports of ham radio operators
providing critical communications in emergencies have been in the news.
From Haiti to California, during floods, fires, earthquakes, tornados
and other crises, Amateur Radio volunteers are providing emergency
communications for many rescue and recovery groups. Amateur Radio
operators are often the first to report critical information to
responders in the first hours of crisis situations. FEMA, DHS, the
National Weather Service, and emergency management offices include
Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES®) operators in their
communications plans. On June 26-27, the public will be able to meet
and talk with the hams and see for themselves what Amateur Radio is all
about. Using everything from Morse code to modern digital and satellite
systems, voice communications and even Web-radio hybrid capabilities,
they prove “It’s not just your Grandfather’s radio anymore.”

Several of the local Shreveport/Bossier amateur radio operators have deployed in the past during times of disaster, when normal communications were disrupted.

The amateur operators will construct temporary, emergency
style radio stations around the country for the weekend and send
messages in many forms -without the use any other infrastructure that
can be compromised in a crisis. Over 35,000 Amateur Radio operators
across the country participated in last year's event. To learn what
modern Amateur Radio systems can do, go to
There you can find information about the locations the Amateur Radio
operators will set up in your home area. They can even help you get on
the air!

For more info
Steven Lott Smith
Shreveport Amateur Radio Association 2010 Field Day Chairman

Friday, June 18, 2010


Many years ago a great friend KR5D got mne interested in getting some coveted wall paper on my Shack walls
The DXCC award is very valuable to me and those that have it displayed are in great company
Of course Honor Roll is a long way off for me, but we all start the journey with one step at a time
My thanks to Tom KR5D for mentoring me into the DXCC awards program

Here is my current standings..........
it's a bit tough to read unless you just look at the last number on each line

AwardSelectedAppliedAwardedTotal / Current
Mixed *630143206 / 203
CW94026120 / 120
Phone *540121175 / 172
RTTY420648 / 48
160M9009 / 9
80M300333 / 33
40M800585 / 85
30M7007 / 7
20M *470111158 / 158
17M150015 / 15
15M82019101 / 99
12M2002 / 2
10M4702875 / 74
6M2002 / 2
Challenge3210163--- / 484
* = Award has been issued

I eligible for CW DXCC Now as well as 15m (Mixed)
and only 15 Q's away from getting 40m mixed

cheers !

Monday, June 14, 2010

New Mobile Antenna

I now have the new Rav4 configured for HF operation
Yesterday I installed the Little Tar Heel HP (High Power)
with my IC-706 Mark IIG
This morning I had a pleasant QSO with N5BOS from Alexandria, LA
while in the relatives driveway here in Texas
We will be on 20 or 40 meters while heading home tomorrow
So far the Little Tar Heel is performing well, I'll have a good review after I get home


Saturday, June 12, 2010


Steve KG5VK gets to visit with the prettiest and one of the most experienced DX OPS at Dayton, Victoria is from Greece at was at Dayton during the largest gathering of Ham Radio enthusiast in the world.

Friday, June 04, 2010

N0AX and KG5VK at Dayton 2010

Ward Silver N0AX and Steve Smith KG5VK at Dayton 2010

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Dayton 2010-DX/Contest Dinners were Memorable

Got to meet KL7RA, VU2PAI, and VQ9LA...and many others. I walked by a table and as we all do glance at call sign badges. I stopped when I saw KL7 Radio Alaska! About 8 or 9 years ago I set up a JOTA station at a local catholic church picnic area for the 40 or so scouts there. That afternoon on 15m I was called by a very loud KL7RA. I thought he was in CF not Alaska. He said I had a great signal up there and he had been listening and going back to when he was a scout in Bossier City-while his dad was stationed @ Barksdale. Said he remembered getting his swimming merit badge on Lake Bisteneau, and was it still there and a lake you could swim in.
He then told me he was testing out his 4(yes 4) stacked array of yagi's on a 100' tower for SS.
Needless to say his great sig, and this qso was a real show stopper for scouts and parents alike there that afternoon. He told me he remembered the qso like yesterday..
VU2PAI was my first India on 17m, phone and cw ever-qso only 2 mo or so ago. He kinda remembered it, as La not often worked on 17m. (Said QSL for sure!) I mentioned he and VQ9La were the "voice of the Indian Ocean"..He responded "he is here also-met him 30' away 2 min later! GREAT!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

look for my high school buddy this week-end in CQ WPX CW

Ward Silver N0AX will be running the 15 meter band in CQ WPX CW this week-end with the callsign KU0W


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

New Green Herone Products in KG5VK's shack
One base unit and Four remotes from the product shown in the above pdf
The new dual coupler board for my digital watt meter
Some clip on ferrites (rfi cures) and some heavy duty ground clamps

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

What is Radio Sport, you prob know but if you need help expalining it to a friend this may help
Icom with the help of a talented young lady by the name of Ashley KI4MTU
do a great job in show casing what Radio Sport is like


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Are we a League or a Internet Vendor?

Are we a League or a Internet Vendor?: "The ARRL new website perhaps replaces an outdated webpage style, but at a cost – blatant commercialization. The useful portion of the ARRL homepage has gone down, and now it is tarted-up but with a result of being blah, busy and overloaded with “sales focused web features.” Lets look at the new website, first as [...]"

It's Time to travel to Mecca, Dayton Ohio

Randy Fulco K5SL and I (KG5VK) will be departing early Thursday morning by air
to Dayton, Ohio

It has been about trwenty years since my last trip to Dayton
and Randy and I are eager to see and do as much as we can
We both have tickets to the Conetst and DX dinner and are looking forward to meeting up with other friends during Dayton.

Speaking of old friends Ward Silver is an old High School buddy
of course most of you know he is very active at the ARRL
Ward also has a Blog up for keeping track of Dayton happings......

73 Steve

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

what's new.....

I had planned on being at K1TTT's station for this week-end's running of the ARRL DX Phone contest, but instead I am here at the home front getting some work done.

Had a recent scare with a visit to the local emergency room with my wife
when I say scary, I mean it. Zo had a very bad alleric reaction to a new drug she was subscribed. I am glad I called 911 fast, as soon as we knew she was having a reaction (just the itching and rash had begun) by the time they got here she was in dire straits, heart trouble, bearly comontose. An IV and 20mg of benadryl and she was stable, but not out of the woods yet.

I am very thankful she is doing fine now.
We now have an epi pen that we keep close by.

Those that know me and anyone that has been to my station knows how much support I get from my wife in everything I do
She is truely the wind beneath my wings.

To me the greatest reward ever is to be recognized by one's peers
at a recent luncheon someone mentioned that they saw kg5vk
in a listing of recent nominee's for membership in the A-1 Operators club
I swear my jaw must have dropped when I heard this
just a nomination to this elite group means a great amount to me
While there is yet no certificate and the nomination may never be seconded I wanted to say Thank You !!!

New computer
I hate breaking in a new CPU or more to the point new software oo even more poignant Operating System
Windows XP Pro was good and stable and it worked with just about everything we hams use, without jumping thru hoops to get things to talk to each other.
Well I am breaking in a new windows 7 machine, life is challenging at times !

Dayton 2010
Randy K5SL and I will be flying to Dayton this year by way of a side trip to the Wright Pat AFB Muesum
this should be a load of fun
I have not been to Dayton since the 80's when Zo and I lived in Indiana
We have dinner reservations at the Contest Dinner Banquet and may also attend the DX Dinner.
I look forward to seeing some old friends and making lots of new ones during the hospitality suite visits

The Big Contest is this week-end
My best effort in any contest without a doubt has to be First Place Europe in the 1981 running of the ARRL DX Phone contest
My self and a few friends, did a MM from N2BVJ/LX and the Luxembourg club
station LX0RL
This was my first ever Wooden Plaque award, thanks to the members of the Grosse Point Farms DX Association for their sponsorship of that really nice plaque !

I am ready to play big time in this contest again
although not from K1TT's super station in Peru, MA
maybe at Pat's station W5WMU in Southern Louisiana
Anyone want to join me ???
If no one wants to do the road trip I might just settle in here at KG5VK for this one. Please let me know asap if your wanting to play in M/S or even M/M
either here at KG5VK or at Pat's station

The Shreveport Amateur Radio Association
continues to grow, meetings are more and more entertaining
the comraderie is awesome
If you missed the last one you missed a good meeting
Next meeting is the 11th of this month (March)

just a few months away, ARRL FD
yes I am the chairman this year, but I have several key helpers
Randy K5SL in the cw trailer, Marsh KA5M in the Phone trailer, Mark K5JMR has his own digital trailer (which is roomy and well airconditioned, as are all our trailers)
There will be several UHF and VHF stations and even 6 meters
We will have a Saturday Hot dog outing at Mark's K5JMR the week-end before FD
and of course the first meeting in June will be used soley for FD discussions

Our Goals are....
Be Safe
Have Fun
Present some very good scores to the ARRL and our section manager
Recruit new Ham's and Ham's to the contesting sport

The ARRL Rookie Contest
Speaking of recruiting Ham's to contesting
My doors are open and the rookie contest is a great time to train new ops into contesting
I hope to get at least one new contesters out of this year's Rookie Phone Contest
April 16, if your interested contact me ASAP
So far John K5ESY is the only one eligible that has expressed intrests
Come on guys and gals don't be shy, this will be fun - I promise !!!!


The A-1 Operators Web page

Web page
I know I have heard of this before but it is one of those things you figure you may never see your callsign asociated with
what a great honor, to be recognized by our peers !


Thursday, February 25, 2010

It's not really DX unless it's worked on the air....

I agree it is not really a DX contact unless it's worked thru the air wave from one end of the QSO to the other, in other no links or repeaters

But today with many Ham's stuck in no antenna zoning, or just no antenna resources
D-Star and even Echo link allow them to enjoy our hobby

While no D-Star or Echo link contact will ever get a QSL card from me
many still enjoy it and I do use the mode occasionally

Fact is there are so many aspects of enjoying Ham Radio we often find the local 2 meter repeaters with little or no activity, esp compared to the level of activity we saw in the 70's and 80's

All that said here is some D-Star info........


Monday, January 04, 2010

from - Your home for ham radio contest news - Your home for ham radio contest news: "North American QSO Party SSB
1800z January 16 - 0600z January 17; more on the rules at the NCJ web site.
CQ 160 CW Contest
2200z January 29 - 2200z January 31; more on the rules at the NCJ web site.
For much more comprehensive schedule information, check the contest calendars maintained by the ARRL or WA7BNM"